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Screen protection for the center screen and the screen behind the steering wheel

Screen protection for the center screen and the screen behind the steering wheel

SKU: uma2495-131
Sales Tax Included

Protects your screen from scratches, bumps and fingerprints. With screen protectors, you get full protection for both the center screen and the screen behind the steering wheel.

When using double-sided adhesive tape, installation MUST be carried out under the recommended conditions, which typically involve a temperature between 16-25°C and a dry, clean surface.

If the tape is installed in freezing weather or on damp surfaces, the adhesive strength may be significantly reduced and the adhesive may be damaged. This is seen on the surface of the tape, where the adhesive may appear hard, cracked or uneven as a result of attempting to install under unsuitable conditions.

Damage or lack of adhesion as a result of incorrect installation, including attempts to install in freezing weather, is not covered by the warranty.

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